Well written tutorial, on the correct and efficient way of removing voice from any song.
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news, tech, ideas, life
Me at the “State of Arduino” talk. I went to the World Maker Faire this weekend in NYC. It was really nice to see the Arduino team in person and see all the cool things they have planned. I’m really looking forward to seeing more details on the new Tinkerkit and getting to play with […]
Nissan of Europe has released a bevy of images showing every nook and cranny of its upcoming Geneva-bound concept, the Terranaut. The 4×4, according to the company, was designed for scientists, geologists, archaeologists or adventurers�� whose office is the great outdoors. This thing is so kewl looking! I am so looking forward to futuristic automobiles! […]
My new mac yesterday, but I didn’t have a chance to blog about it. I was so busy loading software, and packing for trip to the mountains. I’m ready to hit the slopes. We will be up there for 7 days. I will try to bring back some great pictures. I doubt they will be […]