It was only a matter of time, and now someone’s finally done it. The Oculus Rift is now being used for first person view aerial photography. It’s the closest you’ll get to being in a pilot’s seat while still standing on the ground. via Pocket
In this intricate dance of progress and preservation, sometimes, our greatest transformations aren’t in the big moves, but in the subtle shifts of mindset. As we approach history’s sharp turns, the true task is to refine the consciousness directing the hands on the wheel. Visualize our collective journey as a car darting toward a looming […]
I have been pretty busy and have not had much time to work on my quad-copter. Since my last post, I have made a few more test flights and now have wireless avionics via XBee modems working. My next goal is to upgrade the frame (ideas), attach video for FPV (GoPro HD) and integrate GPS (Google maps […]