Hey everyone, I’ve recently stumbled upon a remarkable artistic endeavor that I just have to share with all of you. The Literary Music Series, founded by the incredibly talented Natalie Vargas Nedvetsky, is an intimate and thought-provoking experience that combines music and poetry in a truly unique way. What especially resonates with me is the […]
As we delve further into these interconnected themes found in science fiction, philosophy, and spirituality, we begin to see that they can serve as a gateway to a broader, more inclusive understanding of the human experience. This exploration allows us to shed the limitations of dogma and embrace a more fluid and adaptive worldview that […]
As a 36-year-old ex-Jehovah’s Witness, I understand the challenges and struggles that many of us face after leaving the organization. When I served in the computer department at the JW Headquarters from 2009 to 2017, I experienced firsthand the sense of community and belonging that the organization provided. But I also realized that there’s a […]