As we delve further into these interconnected themes found in science fiction, philosophy, and spirituality, we begin to see that they can serve as a gateway to a broader, more inclusive understanding of the human experience. This exploration allows us to shed the limitations of dogma and embrace a more fluid and adaptive worldview that […]
Members of our team co-created the first space mission funded on KickStarter (KickSat – due to be launched by NASA later this year), and have created or co-led influential workshops such as the Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop at MIT, and the Keck Institute for Space Studies Small Satellites: A Rev via Pocket
When exploring the concept of religion, we can draw some fascinating parallels with the world of technology. As an ex-Jehovah’s Witness who once served in the computer department at the JW Headquarters, I have found this analogy to be particularly resonant. Picture a religion as an app, with its core text and teachings as its […]