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Read DIGG RSS on toilet paper before you wipe!
The ‘rsstroom reader’ is a bathroom gadget that prints news feeds onto your T-P – that’s right, your TOILET PAPER! The best part is the “biometrics” toilet seat that’ll figure out who you are based on your weight and prints the news you want! read more | digg story
Best Super Bowl Commercial! VW Vader
With the exception of this one, I was not very impressed at the commercials this year. Some of them were just plain bad. This one made me laugh so hard. Who can honestly say that they haven’t tried this as a kid. Ok ok maybe you can ….. I can’t 😉

Embracing Change: The Great Forgetting and the Great Remembering
Our world is facing an existential crisis of our own making. We have been living under the guise of the Taker culture, a system built on the concept of humanity’s dominion over nature, with an unyielding hunger for growth and expansion, often at the cost of our planet. Inspired by the ideas of Daniel Quinn’s […]