I wanted to build a custom rugged battery box on a budget for amateur radio communications and emergency charging. The ammo can was found in poor condition at an army surplus and was restored by sanding to remove rust, re-painting, and lubricating the rubber seal. I’m not yet satisfied with the internal fabrication and will continue to improve upon its design later. Future improvements to include: led switch, solar charge controller, improved mounting panel, volt/amp meter.
more photos below and materials list below…
Materials used:
- 1x – .50 cal ammo box
- 4x – 12v 7.1 ah SLA batteries
- 1x – led strip
- 1x – cut up black mouse pad
- 1x – 1 foot strip of heavy duty velcro
- 3x – 2″ pieces of aluminum angle (velcro used on both exterior sides for panel mounting)
- 1x – SPST 12VDC Lighted Automotive safety switch
- 1x – Banana plug jack
- 1x – 12V automotive cigarette lighter fused socket (installed adjacent to banana plug)
- 1x – Banana plug to Anderson Power Poles adapter
- 1x – 12V Battery Tender Junior Battery Charger
- misc wire and connectors…

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